April 28, 2024

Writing Tips – The Basics of Writing Magazine Articles

Writing a magazine article is different from writing a newspaper article. Magazine articles need relevance for a longer period than a newspaper article. It also needs research and statistics to confirm the information presented. In-depth interviews are also a part of many magazine articles.

A magazine’s purpose is entertainment and enrichment for the reader as well as to offer information. People generally spend more time reading a magazine than they do a newspaper.

Basic tips for writing a magazine article:


  • Read the magazines you want to write for: Note the kinds of articles that they publish, you will need to write in a similar style and on an appropriate subject for that particular magazine
  • You need to know the writers guidelines for each magazine: Guidelines are not universal among all magazines. There is often a website listing the guidelines. If not, write to the publication and ask for the writers guidelines, be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with the request.
  • A query letter: Some magazines need a query letter. The letter is to tell the editor about the article you wish to send and ask if the magazine is interested in publishing it. It is acceptable to send out more than one query letter, but send the finished article to only one magazine.
  • Research: Do the research needed for your article. You do not need to know everything about the subject, but what information you do give must be correct and from a reliable source.
  • Write and rewrite: Write the best article you can write and then rewrite it as many times as needed to make it an excellent article that will stand out.
  • Deadlines: Submitting your article in the time frame dictated by the editor is a must. If you have hopes of writing more articles for the same magazine, your article submissions must adhere to the publications requirements.
  • First paragraph: The first paragraph needs to grab the editor’s attention. It needs to be interesting and make the editor and then the reader want to continue reading your article. A poor first paragraph can kill the article and cause rejection.
  • Learn the voice and style of the magazine: All magazines serve a specific niche. The audience must be considered when writing an article. You will best serve the interest of the readers by tailoring your article to match other articles in voice and style.


An important thing to remember is that the magazine industry is a business. Their business to make their readership happy and satisfied with quality articles. They are not in the business of helping writers’ to get published. If your articles serve the editor’s need to give quality, interesting, and correct articles, your needs will also be met.